Image: Shutterstock

People with a good sense of humor are deemed more attractive. If you are wondering how to make a girl laugh over text, this post is for you. If you can make her laugh, the chances of her falling for you are high. However, not everyone is born with a great sense of humor.

Nevertheless, you can make a girl laugh over text using various tips and tricks. You can send her hilarious memes or may randomly crack jokes. We talk about what you can text a girl to make her laugh in this post.

100 Messages To Make A Girl Laugh Over Text

Funny Things To Text A Girl To Make Her Laugh

  1. I'm not a photographer, nonetheless I can imagine us together.
  2. I broke my phone as your phone number is not in it.
  3. Did you visit a different planet? Oh lovely, we have things in common.
  4. I believe I will inform the FBI that you are are the primary cause of global warming.
  5. Is your dad a gangster because you are as explosive as dynamite.
  6. I'm not a gambler, but my heart has just bet that I'll never stop loving you.
  7. Please save my smoldering heart. When I met you, I realized you had the same face I fantasized about every night.
  8. When I'm with you, I'm not sure if I'm awake or dreaming.
  9. It appears that you are making my heart beat faster.
  10. I sent angels to keep an eye on you last night, but they refused. When I asked why they explained that angels do not look after other angels.
  11. People adore money and flowers, but I adore you.
  12. Do you want to drink with me and know what drinks I've had in my life?
  13. Let's make a deal, girl, let me kiss you, and if you don't like it, you can return me.

Cute Things To Text To Make Her Smile

  1. Your voice has a honey-like quality to it.
  2. You make me happy, I treasure every moment we spend together.
  3. Returning home to you is always the highlight of my day.
  4. When it comes to love, I've hit the jackpot.
  5. When I'm with you, I feel I'm in heaven.
  6. Finally, after all this time, I found the girl of my dreams.
  7. Even if I lose memory, I will fall in love with you all over again.
  8. I can't picture my life without you.
  9. I'm counting down the seconds until I see you.
  10. I admire you.
  11. I can't stop thinking about how stunning you are.
  12. I'm excited to spend time with you.
  13. You are my favorite person on the planet.
  14. You make me ecstatic.
  15. I like you as a person.
  16. You're incredible.
  17. I feel complete with you.
  18. You make me feel special.
  19. I can't bear the thought of you leaving my hand.
  20. I never expected to feel this way about someone. It's magical.
  21. There are times when I look at you and can't believe you're with me.
  22. I'll always fight for you, even when things get tough.
  23. Hello, lovely. I'm hoping today will be even better than yesterday.
  24. I was thinking about how wonderful you are.
  25. You have an incredible smile.
  26. You mean the world to me.
  27. You are so charming.
  28. My favorite place to be is in your embrace.
  29. Our bond is as fresh as a cup of coffee.
  30. My heart has been given to you, my girl.
  31. If I lose you, I will lose my entire world.
  32. Your face reminds me of a lovely flower.
  33. I don't need to add sugar to my coffee because it's already sweet if I drink it with you.
  34. I want to spend my golden years with you.
  35. It's your love that makes me want to ride life's roller coaster.
  36. Every time I go to bed, I wish I could wake up next to you.
  37. I'm throwing a party in my heart; would you like to join?

Jokes To Make A Girl Laugh Over Text

  1. Do you have a parking ticket? Because you have the word "fine" written all over you.
  2. By the way, don't be alarmed if a fat man in a red suit places you in a bag late at night. He's just fulfilling my Christmas wish of wanting you.
  3. Some people fall off their bicycles, while others fall from trees. But I fell for you.
  4. I know I can't change the fact that I wasn't a part of your past, but can I make amends by being a part of your present?
  5. Hey. I'm a jobless man with a certificate in cuddling, a diploma in caring, and a degree in kissing. Do you have a job opening for me?
  6. You give my life meaning, are you a dictionary?
  7. I don't mind going to hell if it means spending time with you.
  8. I don't need a camera to laugh or smile, I do it just by looking at your face.
  9. Without a doubt, we are matched in heaven.
  10. I'm lost in the deep brown tones of your eyes.
  11. I believe your parents must be bakers to produce such a cutie pie as you.
  12. My knees are weakening day by day because I'm falling for you.
  13. You make my heart race without doing anything.
  14. Are you a thief because you stole my heart?
  15. Your laugh is what drives me insane.
  16. You are a magnet that draws me to you.
  17. Ma'am, you must provide your name and phone number because I injured my knees while falling for you.
  18. Girl, are you the love mascot because you appear to be made of love?
  19. I'm sure you belong in jail for killing every guy with your looks.

Sweet Things To Text A Girl to Make Her Smile

  1. You are incredible.
  2. I consider myself fortunate to have met you.
  3. You make me feel completely understood.
  4. Every time I think of you, my heart melts; the things you've done for me are unrivalled.
  5. I would wait for you for decades unless you asked me to. That's how much I care about you.
  6. Until I met you, my life was out of order. My life has been in order ever since.
  7. Loving you is the best gift I've ever received.
  8. You may be nothing to some, but you are my entire world to me.
  9. Your beauty and smile brighten my day whenever I see you.
  10. I'm not ashamed to have you in my life; I adore you with all my heart. You will always be my love.
  11. The mere thought of having you in my life makes me love you even more.
  12. How come no one else noticed you before I did? They must have been deafeningly You are so adorable and lovely that I will never let you go.
  13. When you need someone to be there for you. Because of my love for you, I will always be by your side.
  14. When I'm down, you're my hope; at night, you're my star. I would not be where I am today if it weren't for you.
  15. If you trip and fall, I'll always be there to catch you. So you can get back on your feet.
  16. Without you, my life is like a vase waiting to be filled with a flower called you.
  17. There is nothing I want more than to see your smile right now.
  18. I can't stop thinking about what a wonderful woman you are.
  19. I had no idea life could be this good, and I'm grateful you're the reason for it.
  20. I'm glad I wished on that shooting star all those years ago as it brought me you, the girl of my dreams.
  21. Heaven isn't always a physical place. Heaven, to me, is being with you.
  22. I had the mistaken belief that my heart was made of stone. But I had no idea your beauty could melt it.
  23. I'll only be able to stop wanting you when I'm dead.
  24. I never thought I'd have such strong feelings for someone. But then you appeared and now I know soul mates exist.
  25. You are my favorite person on the planet.
  26. There isn't another soul on the planet who cares and understands as much as you do.
  27. When I think of you, it keeps me awake at night. When I dream of you, it helps me sleep.
  28. I feel alive when I'm with you.
  29. Our world is filled with insanity and chaos. But you make everything smooth for me.
  30. My undying love for you is the one constant in my life.
  31. I need your love to live. That's how important you are to me.

1. What does it mean when a girl starts a text with 'Haha'?

It means she is into you and wants to show that she enjoys the conversation. However, some women send 'haha' when they are not amused in the conversation and politely want to end the chat. So, consider other responses as well before coming to a conclusion.

2. How do you know if a girl is smiling over text?

If she is smiling and enjoying the conversations, she will express it by using a lot of emojis, smiley faces, and hearts in her messages. She may also crack lame jokes and send teasing and flirty messages.

Making someone laugh over text can be challenging. However, you can master this task with relative ease, provided you learn to make the right choice of words. If you are looking for ways to make a girl laugh over text, these funny and cute messages can help. These funny one-liners will tickle her funny bone and force her to burst into laughter. So send some of these chucklesome messages to her over the text with hilarious memes. You can also add funny emojis and GIFs to make the message more amusing.

Infographic: The Dos And Don'ts Of Texting A Girl

Amidst your excitement and thrill of texting the girl you admire and adore, you may lose focus on staying within limits and keeping the conversation casual yet purposeful. So how do you make sure that you are going the right way without crossing the boundaries?

This infographic will be your guide to what and how to text a girl and things you should never engage in. Go ahead and give it a good read and save it for your reference.

what you should and shouldn't do while texting a girl [infographic]

Illustration: MomJunction Design Team

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Akshay is an associate editor and former journalist with over three years of experience. A post graduate in Mass Communication and Journalism, he has strong professional and academic background in the field of content writing and editing. He is also a Certified Relationship Workshop Facilitator for Life Coaches. Akshay interned and worked with various newspapers and the Public Relations Department... more