My Baby Is 2 Years and a Week,do I Really Need to Buy Own Plane Ticket?



Longs for the feeling of sandy common salt water in her k

  • #one

Hi, in April 2001 ds was 15 months onetime then nosotros didn't buy him an airline ticket. Adept matter, because he would take never sat in his seat anyway, he was happy playing in the bassinette the airline provided or on my lap. He'll exist turning 2 years old at the start of January then I'll accept to buy him a plane ticket. Even so, nosotros've been thinking most flight to WDW right effectually his birthday, either he'll turn 2 years erstwhile at WDW or we'd become a few days afterward his birthday. He's a footling fella so he wouldn't really demand a seat, I don't know whether I should go him his own seat or not. Officially, I approximate I should. What do you think? The airline needs to draw the line somewhere and ii years is reasonable, only he'south petty and the cost. I am dislocated?????

  • #ii

You take to purchase a ticket for a child 2 years or older, no affair what their size.

It may be the price of ticket now when you buy them on a sale, but the cost could
exist hundreds of dollars more if the Airline Counter Personnel decide that your child
is 2 and accuse you lot the airfare bachelor on the solar day of travel (this can be a difference
between (as an example) $ 168.00 for the sale ticket and $ 700.00 for the aforementioned
day of travel ticket.

If you travel before he is 2 years one-time, than yous don't have a problem since it is a
roundtrip ticket and technically the outbound date determines the fare.

  • #3

The reason for airlines charging for children 2 years and older, if because they need a seat. I cannot stress plenty how important it is for your child to be in his/her ain seat. A car seat is likewise very important, although information technology is not as of now required.

I take seen parents try to comprise their "23 month" old on their lap for an entire flight. IMPOSSIBLE!! Not only is it extremely unsafe, but not off-white to the fellow psgrs. next to you. In instance of farthermost turbulence, or emergency landing, at that place is no style a parent could proceed concord of their child- I believe the G force can exceed 300 lbs, which the average person cannot concur!

Your child is too large for a bassinet, and most airlines take down abroad with them, every bit the prophylactic factor is non optimum.

I know cost is a big factor, but I feel that there is no price for the safety of a kid. With the fares beingness as cheap as they are now, it would be worth it to buy the ticket, as well as the legal way!:D

  • #4

I accept flown with a 2 year old (2 and 3 months) and then a xiv month former and now it volition exist a merely ii year quondam once more. I Ever buy a seat, Simply when I buy when they are under 2, I become a 50% discount. And then that is definitely worth it. I can certainly meet trying to salvage coin only I just find it so much easier on the ride down if she's in a car seat.

Now, I did something wrong and I regret information technology... when it came time to buy our tickets a couple of months ago, I did the fifty% off child seat and she will be a couple weeks OVER ii. I know it's wrong and I feel terrible and regret it. I would never practice it again and Non recommend this to anyone. I experience and then guilty!

Good luck!

  • #five

beatty family unit no need to feel guilty. relax.

  • #vi

Thank you again, Beverly Lynn!!:D

  • #seven

:D It Happens!!
Don't worry!

Unfortunately many people think that kids 2 and under do not need tickets- Information technology is under 2. I have had a mother try to get her "small" 4 year old on equally a "lap" passengers!!! Doesn't assist your cause when your daughter is talking about how fun her fourth altogether political party was and showing y'all she was 4 past her fingers! LOL!! Kids are actually proud of their age.

  • #8

I don't think I ever traveled just after either kid turned two, merely I know of more than one person who has had travel agents suggest to lie most a just ii year olds age, so proficient or bad, I think information technology's usually done. I'd definitely non want to do information technology on a flight expected to be crowded, but if I had gone on an unpopular travel fourth dimension flight I might have considered it, given my kids are lightweights, and were the size at ii of most 1 1/2 year olds.

  • #ten

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Just something to ponder- I am not accusing anyone of anything...

If nosotros can not be honest and truthful, and so how tin can we expect our children to be? They learn by our example. I took my DD to DisneyWorld for her 3rd birthday. Yes, it was pricey to buy tickets for 4 days, and yes, she is "minor" and could laissez passer for 2, BUT SHE WAS 3!!

What would that teach her, if I lied and said she was 2???? That information technology is OK for mommy to lie?

Like I said earlier, I am not accusing anyone. These are my feelings, and just wanted to share!! :D


Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you

  • #xi

We were told past Southwest Airlines that nosotros would need to bring a nascence certificate to testify my son was under two.

  • #12

Please learn from my mistake. On our first trip to WDW my son was 2 years and 10 days old on the twenty-four hours we flew out. I bought him a ticket, merely I didn't take a car seat with usa because our rental van had built-in seats.
What a mistake!
This was the trivial guy'south starting time plane flying and a seat belt was going to hold him! He kept squirming right out of information technology! Just when he vicious comatose was he quiet, but we had two flights each way, so well-nigh the time he fell asleep information technology would be time to change planes or become off!
So my advice is not only to buy the ticket, but to take a car seat with you. Buckling him in will do yous and your beau passengers a lot of grief, and you won't be trying to hold him down when he wants to roam.
Robin M.
Poly six/2000
BWV 6/2001
Poly 12/2001
BWV/VWL 7/2002



<font color=teal>Have the Poly, it'southward fabulous!<br>

  • #thirteen

I fully back up the AFA in their efforts to pass legislation requiring all children to purchase a seat and those nether a certain weight to utilise a car seat on board.

If in that location is turbulence, recall about your darling little one condign a projectile and hit another passenger, seriously injuring both. It happens regularly.

When turbulence occurs, it tin be incommunicable to hold on to a baby. The bigger the kid is, the harder it is. It'southward physics, plain and elementary. In a crash landing you might be instructed to place your child on the floor. Do you actually call back he'll survive? Peradventure in the odds that a kind stranger fishes him out of an overhead bin after your plane crash lands and catches burn down.

If you honey your kid, spend the extra 1/2 price fare to purchase them a ticket. Regardless of their age and size. A projectile half dozen week old is equally mortiferous as a projectile two year former.

The aeroplane tickets for the unabridged family should exist part of your upkeep. If you can't beget information technology, notice a way to. Shorten your stay by a 24-hour interval. Skip a character meal or ii. Cutting down on souveniers. Or stay home. At least that manner your kids will be safe.

If I lied about my kids age in guild to non spend the money on a ticket for them, I wouldn't be feeling guilty most lying to the airline, I'd be feeling guilty most not safeguarding my kid.


PS- FlyingCircus--That is so funny! you are right, kids will gladly tell you their ages, and and then the parents expect similar the childish one!


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