Does Pasture Raised Beef Have the Same Nutrition as Grass Fed

Updated on September 15, 2021

Y'all know that the food yous consume is important...

So yous work hard to swallow a well-balanced diet and make good for you choices.

But have yous ever considered that the food your food eats is equally important? This is especially true when information technology comes to beef.

Figuring out which beef is healthiest can exist overwhelming. Should yous choose...

  • Grass-fed?
  • Natural?
  • Organic?
  • Grain-fed?
  • Grain-finished?

Yes, it's confusing. But knowing the difference in these labels may relieve your health—and requite you a whole new perspective on that burger y'all're eating.

The Shocking Reason Nosotros Feed Cows Corn

After WWII, there was a surplus of nitrogen in the Unites States from making weapons and bombs.

The nitrogen was then used past the agronomical industry and added to their corn crops, resulting in an abundance of corn. Effectually 1952, they decided to outset feeding this backlog corn to animals.

By 1970, grain-fed animals became the norm throughout the U.Due south.

The side by side time you visit your grocery shop, head to the meat aisle. Odds are, you'll run across "conventional" or "grain-fed" beef outnumbering "organic" and "grass-fed" beef.

The Sorry, Brusk Life of Grain-Fed Cattle

When y'all think near cows, yous might imagine a picturesque scene where they're grazing in an open up pasture.

Unfortunately, this couldn't be further from the truth.

Nigh 95% of the beef consumed in the U.S comes from cows raised in concentrated brute feeding operations—also known as CAFOs ( i ).

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)

Grain-fed calves begin life with ample space to roam and are allowed to graze every bit they are weaned off their mother's milk.

But once they attain 7 to 9 months old, their lives drastically alter…

They're loaded up into trailers and shipped off to crowded feedlots.

Confined in pens with thousands of other cattle—typically in unsanitary and gruesome conditions with no access to grass.

Fed an unnatural, grain-based nutrition to fatten them upwardly as quickly (and cost-effectively) every bit possible.

The Diet of Grain-Fed Cattle

This diet of grain-fed cattle includes genetically modified pesticide-laden corn, soybeans, and grains.

What'southward worse, the feed may besides include a variety of "creative" and seemingly inedible waste matter products.

Animal feed manufacturers and farmers accept experimented with feeding their animals the remains of other slaughtered animals, dehydrated food garbage, peanut shells, manure, leftover fat from restaurant fryers, and stale processed—you read that correct. An overturned truck of Skittles recently gained national attending when people found out that processed was on the mode to feed cattle ( 2 ).

And to top it off, there's ane more ingredient that goes into the feed of conventionally raised cows—hormones.

Cows are given synthetic growth hormones, estrogen, and testosterone to assist them grow larger, faster.

And so what impact does all of this have on the cows?

The Anatomy of a Cow

Cows are designed to eat grass, shrubs, and plants— not grains —and certainly not whatsoever of the other questionable food products.

A cow has four stomachs that operate at a certain pH in order to assimilate and digest nutrients properly ( 3 ). They're meant to spend most of their 24-hour interval grazing.

A Cow's Ruminant Digestive System

When cows are fed a grain-based diet, it completely alters the pH of their stomachs and creates a more acidic surround. This not only changes the unabridged physiologic makeup of the animal only besides disrupts the cow's natural digestion and ofttimes causes numerous wellness issues.

To recoup for these wellness problems, they're often given low-level antibiotics to keep them healthy enough to eventually slaughter.

The lives of conventionally-raised cows are a far cry from that greenish pasture nigh people envision when they think of cattle.

Hither'southward the catch: The cows aren't the simply ones that suffer negative health furnishings. When cattle suffer, you suffer too.

Why Grain-Fed Beef Is Dangerous for Your Wellness

Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO)

Aside from the upstanding problems that go hand-in-hand with grain-fed cattle, there are serious health implications linked to the consumption of these animals.

As the sometime adage goes, "You are what yous eat."

And in this example, "Yous are what you eat, eats."

What'southward even more alarming is the bacteria often found in conventionally-raised beef...

Studies take found that virtually half of the meat that comes from conventionally-raised animals contains one or more than multi-drug resistant leaner including ( 4 ):

  • Campylobacter species
  • Salmonella species
  • Enterococcus species
  • Escherichia coli
  • Staphylococcus aureus

The crowded, unsanitary conditions—paired with the routine use of antibiotics—have contributed to the rise of antibiotic-resistant leaner.

This means that the infections that were once easy to treat are at present becoming more than serious and even deadly.

It's estimated that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) kills about 11,000 people in the U.S. every year and Salmonella claims about 450 lives, in addition to causing an estimated 1.2 million illnesses annually ( v ).

As if these statistics aren't scary plenty, it gets worse…

What a moo-cow eats directly impacts the nutrients yous become from eating information technology. That'south why decoding the labels on your meat products is admittedly necessary…

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

Deceptive Labeling: Agreement the Difference Between "Fed" and "Finished"

Information technology's not plenty these days to seek out grass-fed beef. When y'all ask for "grass-fed," you may actually be getting grass-fed, grain-finished meat.

Deceptive labeling and intentional misguidance are all too mutual in the food manufacture...

Afterward 2005, loopholes in agribusiness contradistinct the requirements for "grass-fed" beef.

The updated version of grass-fed states that the animal has to be on a grazing nutrition for a minimum of 140 days prior to slaughter.

AKA, as long equally the fauna is grass-fed for a minimum of 140 days, it can and so be transferred to a commercial feedlot to consume grains, corn, soy, and other questionable feed and still legally be allowed to be labeled as "grass-fed."

These loopholes and "gray areas" are why it is important to sympathise the difference between "fed" and "finished"...

What Does it Mean if Beef Is Grass-Fed just Grain-Finished?

Grass-fed, grain-finished cows are usually allowed access to grass for part of their lives just are then fed grain to fatten them up.

While this may be marginally ameliorate than eating grain for the entirety of their lives, finishing a cow on grain drastically changes the nutritional profile of the meat they produce.

Due to these frustrating loopholes, much of the beef labeled grass-fed actually falls into this category.

How Do I Know if Beef Is 100% Grass-Fed?

Grass-fed, grass-finished beef comes from cows that are raised on pasture, eating grass, shrubs, and plants for their whole life—the manner nature designed it to exist.

If animals are grass-fed and grass-finished, it should exist reflected on the characterization. Wait for labels that specify "100% grass-fed", "grass-fed and grass-finished", or "pure grass-fed".

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

What Does "Organic" Beef Entail?

The term organic typically has nothing to practice with whether a cow was grass-fed or not.

Organic beef indicates that the animals are non given growth hormones, and they are but given antibiotics when they are ill.

Their feed volition also be organic and free of pesticides. Only organic does not mean that an fauna was 100% grass-fed by any means.

Ownership organic beefiness is a much better option than conventional beef. However, it will still have an inferior nutritional profile than meat from cows raised entirely on grass.

4 Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef That Might Surprise Yous

Ethically-Raised Grass-Fed Beef

ane. Grass-Fed Beef Is Safer

Studies have found that grass-fed and sustainably-raised beef are significantly less likely to comprise antibiotic-resistant "superbugs" and contain fewer bacteria overall ( 5 ).

2. Grass-Fed Beef Tastes Meliorate

The difference in gustation betwixt grass-fed and grain-fed beef is up for debate.

Just many people agree that grass-fed beef has a distinctly unlike taste compared to conventionally-raised beefiness.

3. Grass-Fed Beef Is Improve for the Environment

According to a written report from the CDC, large-scale concentrated creature feeding operations (CAFOs) are estimated to produce approximately 1.37 billion tons of waste annually.

These large-scale feeding operations negatively touch on air and water quality, account for about 18% of global greenhouse gas emissions, and are a convenance basis for unsafe pathogens that tin spread to wildlife and humans ( vi ).

And while the impact of grass-fed beef on the environment is however up for contend, some studies have suggested that grass-fed beef has the opposite effect and actually benefits the environment.

This is a result of increasing the biodiversity of plant life in areas where cows graze, decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, and improving the quality of run-off water when pastures are well-managed.

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

4. Grass-Fed Beef Has More Nutritional Value

Information technology can be easy to assume that the differences between grass-fed meat and grain-fed meat are marginal. Subsequently all, they come from the aforementioned animal. They look the same, olfactory property the aforementioned, and taste similar.

But the truth is, from a nutritional standpoint, they are two completely dissimilar foods. Thus, grass-fed beef boasts a college nutritional value…

iv Impressive Nutritional Benefits of Grass-Fed Beef

Grass-Fed Beef Packaging

When y'all allow cattle to graze on pasture, you benefit from an entirely dissimilar end-product.

4 significant differences include:

i. Grass-Fed Beefiness Has Higher Levels of Cancer-Fighting CLA

CLA—or conjugated linoleic acrid—is a type of fat acid associated with numerous health benefits including ( vii , 8 , 9 , ten , eleven ):

  • Aiding in fat loss,
  • Increasing muscle mass,
  • And decreasing the adventure of diseases such as cancer, blazon 2 diabetes, and middle affliction.

Grass-fed beefiness is total of health-promoting CLA. Studies testify that grass-fed beef contains anywhere from 2 to three times higher CLA content than grain-fed animals ( 12 ).


Considering CLA requires green plants to brand it, and there'south nix green in corn or grains.

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

2. Grass-Fed Beef Is Chock-Full of Heart-Good for you Omega-iii Fatty Acids

Not all fats are created equally.

Both omega-3 and omega-six fatty acids are essential to our bodies. Withal, consumption of a high grain-based and processed food diet yields a loftier omega-half-dozen to omega-3 ratio.

This is problematic considering the human body evolved consuming a 1:1 to ii:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Today, we consume closer to a x:1 and upwardly to a 30:1 omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.

The ratio between omega-6 to omega-three is of import because omega-6 fatty acids are pro-inflammatory and in high doses cause a number of detrimental shifts in the body.

Omega-3s, on the other hand, are anti-inflammatory. They not just mitigate the effects of omega-6s but too have a number of positive impacts systemically ( 13 , fourteen ).

Thanks to their highly concentrated and unnatural diets, grain-fed meat contains an unnaturally high omega-6 content and footling to no omega-3s. Beef from cows that are 100% grass-fed, on the other paw, has an first-class fat acid profile containing up to 5 times the corporeality of omega-3s every bit conventionally-raised beefiness ( 15 , sixteen ).

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

3. Grass-Fed Beef Has More than Benign Vitamins and Minerals

It doesn't accept an proficient to come to the conclusion that fresh grass and shrubs contain more beneficial nutrients than the array of questionable feed given to feedlot cattle.

Compared to grain-fed beef, grass-fed beefiness contains a higher level of vitamins and minerals including:

  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin G
  • Trace minerals

4. Grass-Fed Beefiness Is Higher in Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants

Antioxidants play an important role in protecting our cells from oxidation.

Thanks to the antioxidant-rich nutrition of grass-fed beef, it's chock-full of antioxidants such every bit ( 18 ):

  • Carotenoids
  • Glutathione
  • Superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Catalase

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

5 Places Where You lot Can Purchase High-Quality Grass-Fed Beef

Remember, when buying grass-fed beef, await for labels that specify "100% grass-fed", "grass-fed and grass-finished", or "pure grass-fed".

Most labels should likewise bespeak that the beef is free of hormones and antibiotics.

Grass-fed beefiness typically costs more per pound than industrial meat, but it'south well worth the investment.

Here are five places where yous can find high-quality, grass-fed beef:

1. Local Farms

Locating a local farmer that raises grass-fed beef is one of the all-time and healthiest options.

Practice your inquiry and ensure that their cows are raised in open pastures, fed simply fresh and/or dried grasses, and are never given antibiotics or hormones.

2. EatWild

EatWild is a comprehensive online directory to help you locate grass-fed, pasture-raised animals in your area.

three. United states Wellness Meats

US Wellness Meats is an online network of farmers and ranchers committed to sustainable, humane farming practices. They produce 100% grass-fed organic beef and other animal products that can be shipped directly to your domicile and are bachelor in some retail locations.

4. Butcher Box

Butcher Box is an online store defended to producing only the highest quality, humanely raised meat. They deliver 100% grass-fed, antibiotic and hormone-gratuitous beef right to your doorstep.

5. Grocery Stores

Fortunately, more and more grocery stores are responding to the demands of informed consumers and outset to offer grass-fed beef.

If you do opt for purchasing at the grocery shop, practice a little research and ensure that you are purchasing from a reputable company.

You can likewise wait for labels from The American Grassfed Association—an organization that certifies grass-fed producers.

Bandy These Products Out for Grass-Fed, As well

Beef isn't the only moo-cow-derived production that you should be looking for 100% grass-fed.

There are a number of cow-derived products that, just like your steak or burger, are drastically inverse depending on the animal's nutrition.

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

1. Dairy Products

Products derived from cows' milk reflect their diet, too.

Milk, cheese, and butter that come up from 100% grass-fed cows are significantly more nutritious than their grain-fed counterparts.

two. Protein Supplements

Protein powder has become a pop supplement and meal replacement.

If you opt for beefiness protein pulverisation or a powder sourced from dairy such as whey, purchasing quality products that come up from grass-fed cows is well worth the additional cost.

3. Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are typically sourced from cows (look for "bovine" on the label).

Since supplements tend to be a highly concentrated source of nutrients, quality matters fifty-fifty more.

When choosing a hydrolyzed collagen supplement, reach for the one that's 100% pure grass-fed and so yous can get the most of its anti-aging benefits.

Pure Collagen Powder Sourced from Happy, Healthy, Humanely-Raised Cows

four. Beef or Bone Broth

Beefiness and bone broth are made from simmering the meat and bones of animals.

While finding 100% grass-fed goop can exist a little more challenging to discover in your grocery store, in that location are several good brands available online.

Final Thoughts on Grass-Fed Beef: Is It Really Healthier?

The proof is in the pudding—or in this case, the beef.

100% grass-fed beef is hands down the winner when choosing your beef—or whatever meat for that matter.

The next all-time pick is grass-fed, grain-finished meat. And if you're able to, avoid conventional meat entirely.

Equally always, do the all-time you can with the knowledge and resources that you have!

Dr. Chad Walding

As a doctor of Concrete Therapy, Senior Health Practiced, and co-founder of NativePath, Dr. Walding has helped millions of people better their quality of life from the inside out—by speaking, writing, and educating others on how to live life a little more #OnThePath.


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