charmed what did the riot have to do with wyatt

"You are safe, you lot are beloved, and you lot are wise." - Piper to Wyatt on the twenty-four hour period of his nascence.

Wyatt Matthew Halliwell is the firstborn son and child of the next Generation of Charmed witches besides as the firstborn son of Charmed One; Piper Halliwell and then whitelighter; Leo Wyatt. He is the older brother of Chris and Melinda Halliwell and the oldest nephew of Prue Trudeau, Phoebe Halliwell and Paige Matthews.

Wyatt is a decedent of the Warren family line of witches dating back to Melinda Warren of the 16th Century.


  • i History
    • i.1 Pre-Birth
    • 1.2 Early Life
  • 2 Appearance
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Powers and Abilities
    • 4.1 Agile Powers
    • 4.2 Whitelighter Powers
    • 4.3 Basic Powers
    • 4.four Other Powers
  • 5 Professional Life
  • 6 Relationships
    • half dozen.i Ella Turner
    • 6.ii Chris Halliwell
    • 6.iii Melinda Halliwell
  • 7 Etymology
  • 8 Trivia

History [ ]

Pre-Nascence [ ]

In 1999, Piper and her sisters traveled to 2010 in order to salvage Phoebe, it was during this time that Piper discovered that in the futurity she would take a little girl Melinda with Leo. After returning it renewed her hope that she would ane twenty-four hour period have a marriage and kid with her whitelighter despite the elders. Subsequently the expiry of her sister; Prue, Piper and Leo began trying to have a baby with Paige helping them to see if it was a adept idea with a false baby however it never seemed to happen and later Piper plant that it may be impossible if not difficult for her to be able to conceive a child due to her being a witch.

After defeating the source of all evil, the Affections of Destiny came to the Charmed Ones and offered them the take a chance of a normal life, the sisters decided to stay as the Overjoyed ones though Piper was determined to give upwardly her powers after many failed attempts at trying to get significant leading her to believe that she might never exist able to have children, but after accepting her destiny was not yet finished the Angel of Destiny revealed to the Charmed ones of Piper's pregnancy though information technology was her sisters that discovered her pregnancy showtime.

The pregnancy however was not easy. Bated from the bug of a mortal pregnancy, Piper'south powers became uncontrollable and she often burped orbs. This was all caused by the growing powers of the baby she was carrying, whom the family believed to be a girl, who also swapped the powers of his parents when they had a fight, so that they could walk a mile in each other's shoes, being able to heal and shield his mother from inside the womb (something that massively irritates his younger blood brother Chris) and has too been able to summon his Grams' and making her corporeal all of which made her practically invincible to a worried family unit.

Invincible as she temporarily was, Piper was still vulnerable to diseases. During her tertiary trimester, Piper was diagnosed with Toxemia. The doctor said the handling involved a no-salt diet, no stress and lots of bed rest for the rest of her pregnancy. The next day, Phoebe, Paige and Leo find that magic has disappeared from the world. As it turns out, a prophecy made long ago is about to come truthful: the nascency of the Twice-Blest Child. Piper gave birth to her son, Wyatt Halliwell, on the dining room table on the same nighttime. Wyatt came in a swirl of orbs, much to the surprise of everyone. However, everyone was under the impression that Piper and Leo's child would be a girl, and thus information technology was an even bigger surprise to see Mr. Winkie between the legs, as Phoebe had put information technology.

Early Life [ ]

Wyatt and his family on his birth

Wyatt Halliwell was born on February two, 2003 to Warren witch and Charmed One; Piper Halliwell and and then whitelighter; Leo Wyatt in the Halliwell Manor with Piper having gone into labor on the mean solar day of the Wiccan Festival of Lights, or Imbolc which coincidentally was the aforementioned day as the Aurora Borealis; a day of no magic. With the noesis of the aboriginal prophecy of the Twice-Blessed Child, the entire magical community believed that this special kid was Piper'due south, and during the labor the sisters and Victor were all about killed by demons Cronyn and Doris, whom wanted to take Wyatt, and then believed to be Melinda, even so were vanquished and so Phoebe and Paige carefully delivered the baby, and were surprised to notice he was a boy.

Due to having believed him to be a girl, the family struggled to discover a name for little Wyatt but after an attempted kidnapping Piper finally named her son; Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, after both her husband and her sis Paige whom had both protected Wyatt from his get-go attempt at being kidnapped. Grams was also one of the many astonished to detect that her great-grandchild was a boy as males had never been born into the Warren family. However, she eventually got over her bitterness towards men and accepted the child into the family and performed his Wiccaning.

Precautions were fabricated to protect the child, although there were nearly successful kidnap attempts and some "interference's" from Wyatt himself. When his aunt Paige installed an evil-alert to protect him from demons, Wyatt soon understood that when the warning set up off his parents and aunts would come up running to him. He started to employ his magic to ready the warning off, causing his parents and aunts much stress. Shortly after his parents and aunts discover this, a hawker and mercenary demon attacked and attempted to take the babe.

This caused his Aunt Paige to go very overprotective of Wyatt. She became more obsessed with finding the demons who were trying to kidnap the baby. When Piper and Phoebe paid no attention to her claims, Paige took matters into her own hands, disguising herself as a demon and venturing off into the demonic black market. She was captured instead, held hostage and tortured by the two demons. Frustrated that they had not gone with Paige, Piper and Phoebe massacred the demons in the market and saved Paige.

Piper and Phoebe returned to the market were they were confronted by the Crone. She surrendered to the sisters and announced that a police was going to be made to cease any further kidnapping attempts on the child, claiming that the costs of state of war will far outweigh the benefits. Unknown to Piper, Phoebe, and Paige, the Crone herself sought to kidnap the child in an endeavor to see his hereafter. She succeeded in her endeavour though Phoebe was able to vanquish her. Her final words were a warning of a great power yet to come; Wyatt's.

Wyatt, as a child, still continued to use his powers wildly despite the trouble he caused his mother and aunts. In one instance, Wyatt ended up exposing magic to the entire world and the Cleaners were sent to erase the exposure and him. They gave the sisters a risk to fix it, however, they failed, Wyatt was taken, and their memories of him were also erased. Withal, his mother and aunts shortly began to feel that something was not correct and cast a spell which rewound the day. They quickly realised that they were fabricated to forget Wyatt.

While they tried to figure out who was behind it, Wyatt conjured a dragon from out of the television prepare and allow it loose on the unabridged city of San Francisco. The scene caused a huge uproar and defenseless the attention of the Cleaners, whom didn't realise the mean solar day was repeating itself. They ordered Piper, Phoebe, and Paige to clean up the mess or Wyatt would be erased from reality entirely. The sisters manage to become Wyatt to destroy the dragon, but magic was still exposed. However, The Cleaners stopped their quest to take Wyatt afterward the sisters threatened to keep exposing magic. Notwithstanding, they gave Piper a stern warning not to let anything of the sort happen again.

When the sisters and Leo learned from Chris that Wyatt was going to turn evil, his parents and aunts were one time again placed in an uneasy position. The sisters then learned that Chris was actually Piper and Leo's second son, making him Wyatt'due south blood brother. Chris protected Infant Wyatt many times, trying to thin out every evil being and faction that could even possibly turn Wyatt to their side. Information technology was eventually discovered that Gideon, the Elderberry, was out to eliminate Wyatt, believing that it was as well bang-up of a risk to proceed him alive. Chris ended upward sacrificing his life for Wyatt in an attempt to stop Gideon which and so enraged Leo to the bespeak where he killed Gideon who had been chasing Wyatt around the Underworld. Doing this changed the future as it turns out that Gideon hunting Wyatt in the Underworld for months caused the young boy emotional damage that would pb to him condign the tyrant he was in Chris' future.

Afterwards Chris's birth, Wyatt started orbing his baby brother all over the place because he felt neglected, however, Grams was able to stop their sibling rivalry with a spell. Wyatt so created a demon version of Leo during a time when Leo was on the brink of craziness. Leo and Piper managed to talk to him and gave him words of encouragement, confirming their love of him, and he got rid of Evil Leo. It'south during this time that Wyatt began experiencing his "terrible twos," though this was more of a hassle on his parents as he would constantly orb all over the house and everything effectually him and Leo was mortal.

Wyatt used his healing powers to save Piper from a deadly coma, which scared him; he too saw his father getting stabbed. To protect them, Wyatt shrunk his parents and sent them into a miniature doll house. His parents were later returned to normal size by Paige and Phoebe. Presently after this, Piper, her sisters, and Leo noticed that although Wyatt would never speak to them, he would talk to an imaginary friend, who turned out to be a demon trying to gain Wyatt's trust in order to turn him evil. Piper summoned Wyatt's 24 year onetime cocky from the future to become questions, and he turned evil before their optics. Leo was able to regain Wyatt's trust and the spell was reversed.

After the Charmed Ones faked their own deaths and gave themselves dissimilar appearances which everyone saw except their own family members, Wyatt and Chris were left in the care of their granddaddy, Victor Bennett.

Amid the chaos of demons and warlocks, Piper tried to give Wyatt a normal childhood. Instead of going to Magic School, Wyatt was sent to a normal preschool, where he oft participated in school plays and seemed to make friends after becoming comfortable with the other kids. Like most older brothers, Wyatt maintained a healthy sibling rivalry with his brother Chris. Around this time, Wyatt began speaking freely around his family and friends. Unfortunately, Wyatt became distressed when Leo was forced to be frozen to salve him from decease, casting a spell on his dolls so they would come to life to find his father, though the spell was reversed and Wyatt was comforted past Piper. Later on on, Wyatt urged his mom to divert her attention from helping Leo, and to let his students to endeavour and get confronting the Noxon Demons, telling her that "Daddy would."

Wyatt was later on kidnapped by the demon, Dumain, who had Billie and Christy utilize his magic to unleash the Hollow, causing his powers to be stripped in the futurity, though this was corrected.

Appearance [ ]

Wyatt is a very attractive Californian teen, with a very masculine appeal to both sexes.

  • Hair: Wyatt has thick golden curly blonde hair, that he has inherited from his father, and is the simply one of the cousins with blonde hair. As a child, he tended to grow his hair out however now as a teenager he has decided to keep a short cut and clean shave though when in disguise Wyatt's blonde hair is grown out and has stubble on his face which was how he looked when he went dark side.
  • Advent: In terms of appearance, Wyatt is a stereotypical Californian, which makes the girls go wild for him, and looks just like his Dad still he has inherited his mother's oval shaped light brown eyes, which seem to change shade depending on his mood. He is the tallest of the Halliwell cousins at 6'ii" and weighing at effectually 180lbs due to his muscular and able-bodied physique, making him the nearly vitrify out of the cousins too. On his fifteenth birthday, against his female parent'south orders, Wyatt got a couple of tattoos, such as a tattoo of the Triquettra, the family symbol, on his left breast over his eye and he also has another tattoo, in a figure 8 of the initials CPH and PMH for his brother and sis on his inner right wrist.
  • Wardrobe: Wyatt oftentimes chooses to wear a more relaxed yet put together style. Due to beingness a high school jock, he often wears tracksuits and sports gear. Wyatt often wears a pair of name-make jeans, with a large range of v-necks, t-shirts and jumpers, his school leatherman jacket and either a pair of boots or sneakers however when he needs to he tends to wear suits or a nice shirt and wearing apparel pants. Wyatt also owns a pair of dog tags, with his family unit engraved on it, a silver watch and a silver promise band he bought as a pair for Ella and him when they left loftier school.

Personality [ ]

Wyatt seems to exhibit a very optimistic view on the world, a trait that he learned from his mother (something that his Aunt Paige always constitute funny). Similar his aunt Phoebe, he seems to suffer from an inability to tell the truth but the pair also share a like darkness that they often take to struggle with however the dearest they have for their family unit always brings them back. However despite his optimistic attitude, Wyatt tin be outright intimidating and aggressive when someone is threatening the people he cares about and will be merciless in boxing, a trait he often uses when playing football.

As the oldest of the Halliwell cousins, Wyatt has shown impressive leadership skills with him easily taking charge, and becoming a paternal voice of reason especially when it is deemed necessary. He is also shown to have the Halliwell familiar traits of stubbornness and sarcasm, but despite this he also shows some traits of a whitelighter, with him not forcing a fight unless he has too. He is also extremely overprotective of his family, specially his little blood brother Chris, and hates it when they go demon hunting - for he fears they will be hurt or killed only similar their parents.

Wyatt tends to exist a very kind, caring, and gentle person. He is also very responsible and loving though he can be snobby and is often far to worried and protective in the opinions of some. When it comes to dearest, Wyatt is the kind of guy who has had an uncountable number of relationships, just remains true-blue to his true love. He is very sincere if not a bit egotistical about some of his achievements and his strength. Wyatt is very honest and is hard for him to concord dorsum his feeling. Despite beingness very intimidating, he shows his emotions easily.

Powers and Abilities [ ]

Active Powers [ ]

  • Wyatt's telekinesis

    Telekinesis: The ability to move objects and individuals past using your mind or orbs. Although Wyatt has both forms of telekinesis; he is far better with his whitelighter form of telekinesis than his wiccan form having been trained by his Aunts Paige and Billie, and information technology is one of his strongest abilities, with him able to use the power to crush too as teleport.
  • Force Field: The ability to create a protective chimera of deflecting energy. This was one of Wyatt's get-go abilities with him having been able to use it from inside the womb to protect his mother, and has used it ever since. As he has gotten older, Wyatt has learned to aggrandize his shield also as protect others rather than himself which is something he has washed often with Chris and Melinda. Wyatt has also taught Hal how to use his strength field although Wyatt doesn't use his shield as much equally he used besides.
  • Project: The ability to project a want to reality. It is channelled through imagination, high levels of emotions, and the will to brand things happen. Like with his ability mimicry, Wyatt has been able to access a pigsty host of abilities and was taught to perfect the ability with a lot of training from his Aunt Billie, though it is the 1 power he struggles with the well-nigh.
  • Conjuring: The ability to instantly create matter from null. Having in one case used this ability to conjure a dragon out of a television, Wyatt has fought to accept plenty control with his ability though it is never like shooting fish in a barrel and does sometimes go out of control causing the cleaners to be brought in more than in one case. However as he has gotten older he has tried to gain more control and had even conjured a fun room at the Manor.
  • Wyatt'due south combustion

    Combustive orbs: The ability to generate blasts of force by a blast or orbs. Wyatt is shown to have great command with this ability with it being very like to his mother'southward molecular combustion powers, and once was able to accident upward a dragon he conjured to save his mother.
  • Power Mimicry: The ability to mimic the powers of others by existence nearly them. This was one of Wyatt'south surprise abilities equally he believed that he naturally had the abilities he could use. He has also used this power to tap into the occasional spell such as the power swapping spell and has swapped both his parents, and his cousin's powers effectually. Since receiving the ability Wyatt, has been able to access virtually all of his cousin's abilities, except for their unique abilities, premonitions, Empathy, and his mother'due south freezing abilities.

Whitelighter Powers [ ]

  • Orbing: The ability to teleport oneself from one place to another with the use of orbs. Due to being function-whitelighter, Wyatt can naturally orb, and is able to go anywhere including places he has never been before. He is able to remote orb people course one place to another and had fifty-fifty practised this power on baby Chris, and now uses information technology on the non-teleporting people.
  • Healing: The ability to heal the injuries and wounds of others. Due to being role-whitelighter, Wyatt is able to heal, and is seen as being 1 of the all-time healers having been able to use this ability since before he was born, and oft using the power on Chris, and the not-healers. Wyatt has tried to teach his brother before discovering that Chris would never take the ability to heal.
  • Sensing: The power to locate charges besides as the family unit. Due to existence part-whitelighter, Wyatt is able to sense people, and is one of the best at this ability though not equally smashing as his brother Chris, he is still able to sense his brother and only unable to sense and observe his Cousin Parker when she'due south cloaking herself.
  • Cloaking: The ability to hide yourself or someone magically from others. Due to being function-whitelighter, Wyatt has the power to cloak himself though this is not his best whitelighter ability still he is still able to hide himself from being constitute his his Aunt Paige.
  • Glamouring: The power to change 1's appearance into the form of another. Due to being part-whitelighter, Wyatt has the ability to glamour his appearance, and has become very good at this ability having been trained in depths by his Aunt Paige.

Basic Powers [ ]

  • Wyatt and Chris' potion skills

    Spell Casting: The ability to cast spells and perform rituals.
  • Potion Making: The power to brew potions.
  • Scrying: The ability to locate another person or object via a crystal and a map.
  • Mediumship: The ability to run into and commune with spirits of the dead.

Other Powers [ ]

  • Power of 2: Unlike the rest of the Halliwell cousins, Wyatt seems to have created a unique bond with his niggling blood brother similar to that of the Overjoyed Ones, or the Twins. However they are the only pair of not-ability connected siblings to have this bond, with the able to sense and feel one another.
    • Telepathy: The ability to read/sense and sympathize other people's thoughts and feelings. Thanks to the bail the brothers are able to hear one some other'southward thoughts although this power simply works between the 2 of them and it likewise took them a long fourth dimension to learn to be able to command and access the ability properly, though they have learned to channel each others powers through the connection.
  • Loftier Resistance: The ability to be more resilient to powers that could be potentially lethal.
  • Advanced Combat: As the son of a Charmed One, Wyatt has been trained to fight past his Aunt Phoebe, his Uncle Henry and his Uncle Charlie.
  • Temporary Powers: As a witch and son of a Charmed One, Wyatt has temporarily been able to use abilities not belonging to them, due to either a spell or a transformation. He tin can also use abilities temporarily with his powers of ability Mimicry.

Professional person Life [ ]

  • School Pupil: Wyatt was a student at Washington Loftier schoolhouse, and although he wasn't the nigh academic student in the world he was well known for being a jock with him having been in the varsity football team, the wrestling team and the baseball squad, as well as beingness form president three years in a row. During his school years, Wyatt's parents were killed, and his cousins moved into his home which caused him a lot of problems within school for over a yr until his parents were brought back by magic, also while in school Wyatt got himself in a lot of trouble due to people bullying or pain the people he cares most, but despite that Wyatt was well liked in high schoolhouse and was known for beingness i of the pop students. He likewise met his girlfriend; Ella Turner while at schoolhouse.
  • Waiter and Barman: During his school and college years, Wyatt worked office-fourth dimension for his Mom as a waiter at Charmed, and later as a barman at P3 after he turned xx-one. Out of both jobs, he prefers working as a barman at P3 knowing he tin get more tips from P3, and that he is working under his Aunt Billie, and not correct under his Mom similar he is while he is working at Charmed. However his only plus side of working at Overjoyed is that his girlfriend; Ella works as a waitress.
  • College Student: Having received a football scholarship and an astonishing well-written entry essay into Stanford University, Wyatt began to study Medicine with a secondary degree in psychology. Like to when he was in high school, he is well known for beingness a jock having been accepted entrance through an athletic scholarship. Different his time at high school, Wyatt has become a little more academic in school mostly thanks to his family, and has been getting some training from his father in becoming a doctor, thanks to Leo'southward past life as an Army Medic.

Relationships [ ]

Ella Turner [ ]

Wyatt and his girlfriend; Ella.

Ella is Wyatt'due south girlfriend and the love of his life. While he was in high school, and after the death of his parents, Wyatt had the good fortune to meet Elizabeth "Ella" Turner with her beingness a new educatee and him trying to find his way afterwards his parents were killed. The ii began a dear hate relationship with one another in the beginning with Ella knowing of the Halliwell family, and non wanting to get involved with them like her begetter had before she was born.

Over the next few months, Ella struggled a lot with keeping her emotions well-nigh Wyatt to herself just Peyton Halliwell, knowing that the two were destined to exist together used her powers against an unsuspecting Wyatt and Ella and the pair finally began a relationship with i another. Even so there relationship, like most went through its ups and downs such as when Wyatt discovered that Ella was the girl of Cole Turner and half-demon. Yet Chris afterwards revealed that the two had been together in the other future and that Ella was the best part of him.

Chris Halliwell [ ]

Chris is Wyatt'southward younger brother, likewise as his best friend. Despite the most two year difference betwixt the Halliwell brothers the two have e'er been close something that was shown to their mother; Piper when they came back to the past together and something that rung true when it was plant that Chris had come back to the past in order to salvage Wyatt, which has caused a lot of worry and beloved between the brothers, especially since the other Chris had died in front of Wyatt.

Wyatt and Chris

Growing up the boys accept always been really close with one some other, albeit the over-protection that comes from the older, and have also developed a unique bond that has only been seen by the Adjacent Generation of Overjoyed Ones, and the family unit twins, though information technology is idea to be a result of their history. They always accept each other'southward back and Wyatt often gets into fights at school for protecting Chris. The two have get more brothers, but best friends, and although they exercise fight they e'er protect i another.

Later on the decease of the Halliwell sisters, their Dad and their Uncle Coop, the ii became even closer, and took a charging role with Chris every bit Wyatt'due south second. The pair work together against the forces of evils every bit well every bit for the Power of Twelve and despite having sometimes been lead apart such as with Bianca, they pair accept e'er been able to retain themselves and will do nigh anything for family unit and for each other though Chris feels that Wyatt is far to over-protective over him that he wonders whether Melinda is the youngest or him.

Melinda Halliwell [ ]

Wyatt and Melinda

Melinda is Wyatt's baby sister. Like with his blood brother, Wyatt is very close with his little sis and is simply as over protective of her than he is with Chris and their Cousins. However unlike with Chris he gives Melinda a bit more leeway in his over-protectiveness feeling that she is less reckless than their brother, though he will fight for his sister when he needs too. Although not every bit close with Wyatt as Chris is, Melinda nevertheless has a shut and unique human relationship with Wyatt.

Even so similar near siblings they take there ups and downs with Melinda sometimes taking offence to Wyatt's over protective nature. She has also has a few fights with Wyatt after the deaths of their parents, and him taking charge. He also helps Melinda get around and ordinarily is the ane to settle her down after a fight with Parker.

Etymology [ ]

  • Wyatt: Derived from the English language surname that originates from the Anglo-French proper noun "Wyot" and the French name "Guyot" pregnant "petty guy," which is a combination of the proper name "Guy" meaning "a guide" or "a leader" and the diminutive suffix "ot." Alternatively, Wyatt may stem from the One-time English "wig" meaning "state of war" and "heard" pregnant "dauntless" or "hardy."
  • Halliwell: Derived from any of the several places named with the Old English pre 7th Century elements "halig" meaning "holy", plus "well(a)", a well or spring. These places include Halliwell in Lancashire, recorded equally Haliwell circa 1200; Holwell in Dorset and Oxfordshire appearing respectively as Halegewelle and Haliwelle in the Domesday Book of 1086; Halwell and Halwill in Devonshire, recorded as Halgewilla in 1086, and Holywell in Northumberland, Kent, Cambridgeshire and Cornwall.

Trivia [ ]

  • Wyatt is the oldest son and cousin of the next generation of Warren witches.
  • Wyatt's full proper noun consists of final names; with him being named afterward his father; Leo Wyatt and his Aunt Paige Matthews though his Aunt Phoebe suggested calling him "Potter", something Leo vetoed.
  • Wyatt'southward godparents are Paige Matthews and Darryl Morris.
  • Wyatt was built-in 6 weeks early according to Piper, and is an Aquarius.
  • He was originally believed to be a little girl, Prudence Melinda Halliwell, and everyone was surprised to find out he was a male child, which coincidentally is his niggling sis's name
  • Wyatt'south favorite childhood toy was his teddy deport, Wuvey which he gave to his cousin Peyton Halliwell.
  • Wyatt, his aunt Phoebe and his cousin Parker are the only Halliwells born in the Manor, though Christa Jenkins was built-in in the manor too despite not existence a Halliwell.
  • Wyatt is 1 of a few Halliwells to have powers from within the womb.
  • Wyatt owns a 2008 Ford Escape SUV, which is an eleven year old automobile that once belonged to his mother.
  • Wyatt can't melt, and it is said he can even burn toast past putting it on a toaster. He had also once burned downwards half of the kitchen after making microwaved macaroni, and has since been banded for cooking.
  • Wyatt is the merely ane of the Halliwell cousins' to play football.
  • Wyatt inherited Phoebe's inability to prevarication.
  • Despite having the ability to mimic powers, Wyatt can't mimic the unique Halliwell powers, nor can he re-create the Mother and Aunts' abilities that are not his own.
  • Wyatt was originally believed to exist the side by side King Arthur, even so it is later discovered to be his little cousin; Patrick Trudeau.


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