Calf Muscle Tear Healed but Hurts Again

Many athletes are familiar with the effect of pulled muscles.

Though muscle strain is one of the most common able-bodied injuries, it tin happen to anyone at any time – using the muscles in an unfamiliar way can cause the muscle to tear.

The tear can vary in size, meaning it may have different symptoms depending on the severity.

Read on to learn about the anatomy of the calf and how injury can occur, how dogie strains are diagnosed, and how they are treated. Each recovery is dissimilar depending on the patient, merely a general timeline tin be used for reference when faced with a calf injury.

Anatomy of the Calf

The calf is comprised of bones, muscles, and tendons that work together to proceed it functional and stable. The major musculus of the calf is called the Gastrocnemius. This muscle is located in the top half of the calf and is sometimes visible from the outside. The soleus musculus is under the gastrocnemius and under the Achilles tendon.

Major bones in the calf are the Tibia and Fibula, located in the shin. These work together with the Calcaneus in the ankle to permit for back up and stability in the calf.

The Achilles Tendon connects the calf muscles to the calcaneus. This tendon is a crucial part of all motion involving the leg, foot, and ankle. Damage to the Achilles Tendon can cause severe instability and hurting, and if left unchecked tin pb to significant issues later in life.

A strain to the musculus is different from a sprain. Sprains are characterized past damage to ligaments, which connect bone to bone. This tin can exist in the form of a tear or simply overstretched musculus. Sprains can influence the stability of a joint by loosening the connectedness between two major parts of it.

Strains are characterized by impairment to muscle or tendons. These soft tissues may be torn or overstretched. A strain tin occur every bit a result of misuse or overuse. Repetitive motions are a mutual reason why strains occur, though they may occur due to being bent or overexerted. Some individuals have muscle strain after using the muscles in an unfamiliar style during do or other activity. Strains are as well sometimes referred to equally a "pulled" musculus.

Calf Anatomy

Diagnosing Calf Strain

Calf strains can be like shooting fish in a barrel to spot for those who know that to look for. There are several symptoms to look for:

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Tearing sensation
  • Pain during motion or activity

Pain caused past a strain to the gastrocnemius can be a short sharp pain or a dull anguish, or anywhere in between. The pain is most oftentimes felt at the back of the lower leg, but tin can sometimes include pain to the lower leg or pes. Many individuals who have suffered a calf strain have trouble walking due to pain or a lack of stability.

It is all-time to run into a doctor if you are suspicious that a strain has occurred. Without the guidance of a medical professional, injuries are more probable to heal incorrectly. Improper healing can atomic number 82 to issues with the soft tissue later on in life.

The process of diagnosing calf strain begins with a consultation. Doctors volition ask about family unit medical history, previous injury, action level, and more to go a experience for how the injury may have occurred. They will listen to the symptoms and assess the expanse by checking for tenderness, bruising, and swelling. They may observe the patient walking or doing other exercises to locate the verbal source of injury.

There are three major classifications of calf strain:

  • Class I: sometimes referred to as a "mild" injury, grade I calf strains are a minor tear in the muscle. This is the near common course of calf strain and many individuals who experience it can however walk or move effectually. It typically takes 1-3 weeks to fully heal.
  • Grade II: sometimes referred to as a "moderate" injury, grade II calf strains are also the issue of a tear to the muscle. Though a grade 2 injury is more astringent, it is not a complete tear. Individuals who have experienced this level of tear should expect to recover within 3-6 weeks.
  • Grade III: sometimes referred to as a "severe injury", a grade III calf strain is a full tear of the muscle. Grade III dogie strains should exist immediately addressed by a md and often require surgery to right. Due to the severity of the injury, it can take 6 months upwardly to one twelvemonth to fully heal. Severe calf strains may include a hematoma and should be examined by a medical professional immediately.

Many doctors employ Ultrasound imaging to determine the extent of damage, though they may also employ imaging techniques such as MRI or CT Scans. These allow doctors to get together a picture of the soft tissue and appraise the severity of the injury. Knowing exactly what is happening inside the body tin can inform surgical decisions and treatment. X-Rays are not oftentimes used as they only evidence os and dogie strains are an injury to soft tissue.

Conventional Treatment for Calf Strain

Each individual patient will feel a different recovery procedure. Techniques that work for one person may non work for everyone, so it is the doctor's chore to ensure that each patient is getting their needs met.

The handling will likewise depend on the severity of the injury. For minor injuries, often resting the muscle is enough to allow it heal completely. Every bit the injury becomes more astringent, the handling becomes more aggressive. Some of the most common treatments for calf strain are:

  • RICE Method: modest and moderate injuries respond well to the RICE method. RICE stands for Residuum, Water ice, Compression, and Elevation. Rest allows the muscles to heal, while ice and elevation help with swelling. Pinch can help with swelling as well equally prevent blood clots.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: over-the-counter drugs such every bit Ibuprofen or Naproxen can aid reduce swelling and ease pain associated with the injury.
  • Corticosteroid Injections: some doctors will advise steroid injections, which deliver a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone to the injury site. These can cause long-term harm to soft tissue over time, so they should be closely monitored.
  • Physical Therapy/Exercise: some patients answer well to certain exercises. Different some other injuries, do should not be used until the injury has had time to rest and heal. The goals of physical therapy are to better force, function, and stability. Certain exercises are not recommended every bit they can injure the muscle further, then information technology is all-time to have a guide through the exercises to begin.
  • Surgery: most dogie strains volition not require surgery, but when the muscle ruptures completely it becomes necessary to sew the muscles back together. The recovery process for this surgery ofttimes lasts from half-dozen months to a year. Knowing what to look before, during, and later on surgery can be extremely beneficial to a patient. Existence aware of what exactly is going to happen and the potential risks tin can profoundly ease any anxiety or stress that comes with making the decision.

In any recovery process, the success depends on the patient's individual needs. Certain treatments may be delayed until the injury is healed a certain amount, or avoided altogether if it would not be beneficial to the patient.

Calf Strain Recovery Timeline

Calf Strain Recovery Timeline

Though each individual'southward timeline is unique, in that location is a general pattern that can be expected if further complications exercise non occur. Causing the injury to become worse or more torn can lead to a slower recovery process. Sure behaviors or conditions tin make the recovery process accept longer, such as diabetes, age, and smoking condition. This timeline is a general guide to calf strain recovery and may not reflect your experience exactly.

The recovery timeline for most patients is every bit follows:

  • I Hour Subsequently Injury: ice and elevate the affected leg to reduce swelling. Compression can as well be beneficial at this stage. Do not apply heat as it can contribute to swelling. The leg should exist every bit rested as possible. If mobility is hindered, make an appointment with a medico to examine the injured calf.
  • Three Days After Injury: applying heat to the injury tin be beneficial at this stage equally a form of pain relief. The injury should proceed to remain as rested as possible. Small injuries should brainstorm to feel better later 3 days.
  • One Week After Injury: small and moderate injuries should begin to experience slightly meliorate at this signal with the proper amount of rest. Some more severe injuries may begin concrete therapy at this time, though in the get-go it is express to avoid further harm to the muscle tissue.
  • 3 Weeks After Injury: modest calf strains should be fully healed within 3 weeks if the patient has followed instructions. Patients whose injuries have healed tin render to activities every bit normal. Those with moderate to severe injuries generally keep physical therapy around this time.
  • vi Weeks Afterward Injury: mature collagen tissue forms in around 6 weeks, and then at this time most mild and moderate injuries are healed. Patients can return to normal activities with a doctor'due south approval. Patients with astringent injuries may begin to consider surgery at this point, equally it will be noticeable if their injury is non healing through not-invasive treatment.
  • half-dozen Months After Injury: mild and moderate injuries are completely healed at this betoken. Patients who have undergone surgery to repair the muscle should discover noticeable recovery around half-dozen months. By one year, all types of injury should be dorsum to action with minimal pain and discomfort.

The Office of Regenerative Medicine in Calf Strain Recovery

Significant progress has been fabricated recently in the field of regenerative medicine. Soft tissue injuries in detail have taken well to this new form of therapy. Using stem cells or platelet-rich plasma, these types of therapy offer pain relief and faster healing for patients suffering from an injury to the calf muscle. In some cases, it can fifty-fifty let patients to surpass the need for surgery. CELLAXYS offers two types of regenerative therapy:

  • Stalk Cell Therapy: this form of therapy begins with taking a patient'south stem cells, which are harvested using blood cells, fat cells, or os marrow. The cells are then processed to exist more concentrated, then reinjected into the calf muscle. Stem cells contain healing properties that the body already sends to an injury, which tin aid in collagen production – assuasive scars to heal and shut the wound. Placing a concentrated stem jail cell solution into a office of the body that is healing can aid the damage heal faster.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy: this form of therapy begins with a simple blood draw. The patient'south blood is and so placed in a centrifuge to separate platelets from other components in the blood. The platelets are then injected into the injury or surgery site. Platelets contain proteins and growth factors that the torso uses naturally to heal damage. When a muscle tears, it relies on platelets to assistance repair the damage, so increasing the corporeality of platelets at the site of a tear could aid it heal more chop-chop.

Both types of regenerative therapy have a depression risk, as they are able to use a patient'southward own cells, so the chance of rejection is lower. Some hurting at the injection site may occur, just typically is relieved in a matter of days. Recovering from a dogie strain can be difficult, but regenerative therapy could ease the procedure. Pain relief allows patients to participate more in physical therapy, and the cells heal faster with increased amounts of healing properties.

Regenerative therapy tin can be used for mild, moderate, and severe injuries. It can be used to assistance an injury heal before or afterward surgery. Some patients have been able to heal to the point where they no longer need surgery. When this is the instance, the recovery procedure is simplified drastically. Information technology is even so generally recommended that patients maintain a physical therapy regimen, as it can help patients in means that regenerative medicine cannot.


One of the almost mutual athletic injuries is calf strain. Many different activities tin can cause fifty-fifty a modest tear in the muscle. Doctors tin can aid patients observe the recovery that is right for their individual needs. Though in that location are three types of injury, they should all exist healed afterward one year. Information technology may be possible to shorten the recovery time via regenerative medicine, leading to smoother recovery and an ability to resume daily activities.


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