Anti-vaxx Momã¢â‚¬â„¢s Baby Died Co-sleeping, Not From Vaccines Barbie Latza Nadeau

Image: CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain

(Natural News) Back in November, Johns Hopkins Academy (JHU) published a report that suggests Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) testing swabs may be laced with "tiny, star-shaped microdevices" capable of delivering vaccines to people without their knowledge or consent.

Considering more half of America is "vaccine hesitant," meaning most people want naught to do with Chinese virus jabs, "science" apparently came up with a hidden injection engineering to secretly vaccinate people through the nasal or anal PCR examination swabs that are jammed into their orifices.

Patrick Smith from JHU wrote in an article near the study that these tiny, star-shaped microdevices were "[i]nspired by a parasitic worm that digs its abrupt teeth into its host's intestines." Sounds fun, eh?

"David Gracias, a professor in the Whiting School of Engineering, and gastroenterologist Florin M. Selaru, manager of the Johns Hopkins Inflammatory Bowel Affliction Center, led a team of researchers and biomedical engineers that designed and tested shape-changing microdevices that mimic the way the parasitic hookworm affixes itself to an organism's intestines," Smith wrote.

Known every bit "theragrippers," these microdevice chips made of metal and "sparse, shape-irresolute film" are coated in oestrus-sensitive paraffin wax that is sent into the trunk unnoticed. Each of these chips is no larger than a speck of dust (see prototype below):

Once inside the body, the star-shaped devices respond to oestrus past closing upwardly and affixing themselves onto the intestinal wall with petty prongs. The centers of these now-closed stars are and then able to deliver whatever drug was implanted inside of them, in this example microscopic Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine chemicals.


"The merits is that the dust-sized 'theragrippers' can be implanted in the tips of PCR examination swabs and be delivered to the innocent 'victim,'" writes John O'Sullivan for Principia Scientific International. "It may be utterly immoral – and probable illegal – merely information technology is certainly viable …"

"Thousands of these sinister miniature theragrippers can be deployed in the GI tract via a elementary, innocent swab given as part of the COVID-19 test already taken by millions worldwide. Quite simply, you wouldn't feel a thing," he adds – yous can sentry a video about the technology at this link.

Does Fauci know nigh hidden vaccines in PCR testing swabs?

If PCR testing swabs comprise this hidden engineering science, which it appears is possible, and then people who retrieve they are simply getting "tested" for Chinese germs could also be getting vaccinated for them without permission.

This is music to the ears of Anthony Fauci, who recently whined that getting large numbers of people vaccinated for the WuFlu would be hard because of "vaccine hesitancy."

Employ of the word "hesitancy" implies that people are just not sure if they should get the vaccine, when the reality is that near of them are beyond a shadow of a doubt sure that they volition not be getting vaccinated nether any circumstances.

A Gallup Poll from late last twelvemonth found that roughly one-half of America is not going to get vaccinated. "People of colour" were virtually sure at the time that they would not be getting the jab, though since that fourth dimension the number of "vaccine hesitant" of all races has just increased.

Press your legislators for answers virtually whether or not people are being secretly vaccinated

At this bespeak, it is crucial that everyday folks contact their legislators to need answers. Since "Congress is owned by pharma," to quote a superlative FDA (Food and Drug Administration) medical adviser, chances are you will get the runaround, but it is yet worth a try.

President Donald Trump also warned that the pharmaceutical industry contributes "massive amounts of coin to political people," who then do its bidding.

There was even a paper published in the Helpdesk Report about "vaccine hesitancy" and strategies Big Pharma and corrupt lawmakers can employ to overcome it. Does one of these strategies including hiding microscopic vaccines inside PCR testing swabs?

Go along in mind that the pharmaceutical industry spends far more than money than any other industry trying to influence politicians. It is well-nigh a certainty that some of them are on board with schemes like this that essentially play a trick on people into getting vaccinated who otherwise would say no to the jab.

"This is specially worrying because if for some reason you need to go to the hospital as I did, they exam yous," wrote one concerned Principia Scientific International commenter.

"Just the other day this verbal thought crossed my mind out of the blue," wrote another. "Whether true or not matters not, simply I am just glad I decided under no circumstance, regardless of consequence (no family unit so nothing to lose), would I ever have a test of vaccine. I would rather slowly starve to death. Not a joke."

More breaking news almost the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-xix) can be constitute at

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